Ahead of the Sankranti festival, Humane Society International (HSI) India is urging citizens to report cockfighting. Cockfighting is widely practiced in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu during Sankranti, despite being banned in 2018 by the Supreme Court. During these fights, two roosters are made to fight each other until one or both of them die. The winning rooster also dies from the injuries sustained during the fight. HSI-India’s Managing Director, Alokparna Sengupta, is urging individuals to discourage others from participating in this inhumane and illegal activity and to promptly report any cockfights to the police.
Cockfighting events attract large audiences who place bets ranging from a few thousand to crores of rupees. These events are organized in large arenas set up on open plots, sometimes even on school grounds. Organizing or participating in animal fighting is a punishable offense under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. In addition to the cruelty inflicted on the birds, cockfighting events are associated with gambling and the sale of illicit liquor. Child labor is also involved as children are made to deliver liquor and engage in activities like defeathering and butchering the dead or dying birds. These events pose significant risks to both animals and humans, with people getting injured or even losing their lives due to the violence and fights that break out over the bets. It is important to prioritize compassion and discourage such activities during this festive season.