Hyderabad: A team from the Bhagyanagar Ganesh Utsav Samiti (BGUS) met with Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited (HMRL) Managing Director NVS Reddy on Saturday. They requested that the Metro pillars being constructed in the Old City of Hyderabad be built at a higher elevation. This change is intended to prevent the pillars from obstructing the large Ganesh immersion procession that takes place annually.
The delegation included BGUS members such as secretary Dr. Ravinutala Sashidhar, K Mahender, BV Chandrashekhar, and Balapur Utsav Samiti president K Niranjan Reddy, along with Srinivas.
In a separate meeting, representatives from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) also met with the HMRL MD. They proposed renaming the Victoria Memorial Metro Station to Astalakshmi Temple Station. The station’s entrance is situated on the main road leading to the Astalakshmi Temple, a popular religious site. They argued that renaming the station would help inform devotees from across the country about the Metro service, which would, in turn, benefit the Metro system.