Home Hyderabad Highest Monthly Passenger and Freight Revenue Recorded by SCR in Hyderabad

Highest Monthly Passenger and Freight Revenue Recorded by SCR in Hyderabad

Highest Monthly Passenger and Freight Revenue Recorded by SCR in Hyderabad

The South Central Railway (SCR) had a great month in May. They earned over Rs 500 crore in passenger revenue for the first time ever, with Rs 513.41 crore in revenue. This is their highest monthly performance ever for both passengers and freight. In April, they earned Rs 467.82 crore. They transported 12.517 million tons of freight, which is also their highest ever. They carried 26.11 million passengers, which is 24% more than they carried in May of last year.

During May, the SCR operated 538 special trains in addition to their regular ones to meet the extra demand during summer. This helped them transport an additional 4.65 lakh passengers and generate Rs 36.52 crore in revenue. Coal was the leading contributor to their freight loading, with 6.484 million tons of loading and a 7% growth rate.


The SCR is always trying to attract new streams of traffic while keeping their current ones.



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