The Telangana High Court observed that simply imposing fines and registering cases against two function halls in Tadbund, Bowenpally, will not stop them from causing noise pollution and disturbing peace in the Secunderabad Cantonment area. The court referred to rules on noise pollution control and felt that the function halls were not following these rules. The bench was about to issue directions to authorities to stop the noise pollution but decided to wait for further instructions by March 7.
A PIL was filed regarding the excessive noise and disturbance caused by the two function halls in the area. The petitioner mentioned that the halls operate beyond permissible time limits, causing disturbance to residents. The court adjourned the hearing to March 7 for more instructions.
In another case, notices were issued by the HC division bench to various state officials regarding theft of water by a plant owner in Kacheguda. The owner was accused of stealing water from an underground pipeline and supplying it to hospitals for payment. The officials were directed to respond within four weeks to the PIL filed by a social worker. The court also allotted a number to the PIL and adjourned the hearing for four weeks.