The Telangana High Court’s division bench, led by Chief Justice Alok Aradhe and Justice Anil Kumar Jukanti, made a decision on a petition filed by Telangana Yuva Shakti party. The party had asked the Election Commission to give them a common symbol.
The bench ruled that the right to contest elections or receive recognition as a political party is not a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution. This right comes from laws like Article 324 and Section 29A of the Representation of the People’s Act. The court also mentioned Rule 5 & 10 of the conduct of election rules 1961.
The petition was filed by the party’s president, B Ram Mohan Reddy, who is a local advocate. He wanted the EC to give his party a common symbol so their candidates could run in elections. However, the EC had already rejected the petitioner’s request on October 20, 2023.