As part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, the Independent Indian Diamond Festival’s concluding assembly will take place on Thursday at HICC in Hyderabad. CM KCR, ministers, and officials will attend this event. The city police have announced traffic restrictions in the vicinity of HICC on that day.
The traffic restrictions will be in effect from 7 am to 6 pm in the surrounding areas. Due to the presence of VVIPs, there is a possibility of traffic congestion in those areas.
The restricted areas include JNTU to Cyber Towers, Miyapur to Kottaguda, Kavuri Hills to Cyber Towers, and Narayanamma College to Gachibowli. Heavy vehicles are not allowed on this route.
Vehicles may be stopped and diverted as needed. Motorists are advised to be aware of the restrictions and consider taking alternate routes.