An Army helicopter crashed in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kishtwar district due to a technical fault during an operational mission. The helicopter made a hard landing in a forested area, killing technician-craftsman Pabballa Anil and injuring the two pilots on board. The pilots had reported a technical fault to the Air Traffic Controller (ATC) and proceeded for a precautionary landing. Due to the undulating ground, undergrowth, and unprepared landing area, the helicopter crashed. The injured were evacuated to the command hospital in Udhampur, and the condition of both pilots is stable.
A court of inquiry has been ordered to investigate the crash further, and the Army’s Northern Command paid tribute to Anil’s sacrifice. Locals in the area rushed to the site and helped rescue the injured men. Helicopters are the only mode of transport during winter and the only source of supplies, including rations, for people in the area. Thursday’s crash was the fifth involving Army helicopters in Jammu and Kashmir since 2021.