In a significant development, Health Minister Damodar Rajanarasimha visited Jogulamba Gadwal district. He first visited Sri Jogulamba Bala Brahmeshwara Swamy temple in Alampur. During his visit, he was accompanied by MLC Challa Venkatrami Reddy, MLA Vijayudu, and former MLAs Sampath Kumar, Abraham, and Chinna Reddy.
After his spiritual visit, the Minister focused on the healthcare infrastructure of the region. He inspected the 100-bed hospital in Alampur Chowrasta in Undavalli mandal. He also participated in the inauguration of the Gram Panchayat building in Erravalli mandal. Additionally, Rajanarasimha had a meeting to discuss important issues and development initiatives in the region.
To improve healthcare services, Minister Damodar Rajanarasimha inspected the ongoing construction of a 300-bed hospital in the district headquarters. He also had a review meeting with officials at the district collectorate to ensure smooth progress in the construction efforts.