Senior leader M Rammohan Goud from LB Nagar constituency has returned to the BRS party after recently joining the Congress party. Finance Minister T Harish Rao visited Goud’s house and convinced him to re-join the party. After discussions with Rao, Goud decided to return to the ruling party.
Rao praised Goud for his long-standing loyalty to the party and his dedication during the Telangana agitation. He also acknowledged Goud’s previous unsuccessful attempts at winning elections and commended his role in securing 11 GHMC divisions in LB Nagar. Goud had joined the Congress party after being denied a ticket by the BRS, which had given it to MLA D Sudheer Reddy.
Goud had hoped to receive a ticket from the Congress party, but it was instead given to senior leader Madhu Yashki Goud. With Goud’s return, party leaders believe that the BRS will strengthen its position in the constituency and improve its chances of winning. Rao assured Goud that he would be given due respect and personally take responsibility as a party representative.
Rao emphasized that the Congress party would not be able to win and urged people to consider whether they wanted a party controlled by high command in Delhi or one that is more connected to the people in their local communities.