T Harish Rao, leader of the BRS, has demanded that Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy waive off farmers’ loans amounting to Rs 2 lakh, as promised during the elections. Farmers have been receiving notices from banks regarding loan repayments, prompting Rao to call for immediate action.
In an open letter addressed to the Chief Minister on Wednesday, Harish Rao reminded that the Congress party had pledged in its election manifesto to waive off loans up to Rs 2 lakh once they came into power in Telangana. He mentioned that the Chief Minister had encouraged farmers who had already received a loan waiver of Rs 1 lakh under the previous government to apply for an additional Rs 2 lakh loan.
Rao emphasized the importance of fulfilling the promises made to farmers and urged for quick action on the loan waiver issue. He highlighted the financial burden faced by farmers and stressed the need for timely assistance from the government.