The Finance and Health Minister of Telangana, Harish Rao, has promised to help farmers in Siddipet district who have been affected by a recent hailstorm. The storm has damaged crops on thousands of acres of farmland in the area. Minister Harish Rao expressed his concern for the farmers and assured them that the government will provide financial aid and support to overcome this crisis. The Chief Minister has already visited the affected areas and announced financial assistance of Rs. 10,000 per acre to farmers, which is the highest in India.
Siddipet District Collector Prashant Jeevan Patil and Agriculture Department officials are visiting affected villages to provide farmers with encouragement and support. The Minister has ordered officials to visit fields and report crop damage to the government to ensure that no farmer is missed. The government has invested crores in high-quality electricity in Yasangi, which it purchased from private exchanges to provide free electricity to farmers. However, the recent hailstorm has caused significant damage to crops.
Minister Harish Rao encouraged farmers to be brave and not lose confidence in the face of natural calamities. He advised farmers to harvest their crops a month earlier during the rainy season to avoid suffering due to this natural calamity. According to reports, 35 thousand acres of crops have already been damaged in Siddipet district. The Chief Minister has issued clear instructions to the Chief Secretary of the state, and Hon’ble Ministers are visiting areas affected by hailstorms in all districts to provide farmers with the necessary support.