Health Minister T Harish Rao, along with local MLA Dr C Laxma Reddy and Minister V. Srinivas Goud, inaugurated a new 100-bed Area Hospital in Jadcherla on Saturday. The hospital is equipped with emergency, ICU, dialysis, gynaecological, paediatric and ICU facilities to serve the needs of patients. The hospital was built at a cost of Rs 30 crore and is expected to provide high-quality health services to the people of Jadcherla constituency and surrounding areas.
During the inauguration, the Health Minister spoke about the government’s priority to improve public health infrastructure in the state. As part of this initiative, the government is renovating and equipping all existing government hospitals including PHCs, CHCs, Area and district hospitals. Additionally, the government is constructing 100-bed hospitals in every constituency.
Mahabubnagar district has taken many health care initiatives in the past nine years after the formation of Telangana state. It is the first district in the entire state to have a government medical college. Today, after the reorganisation of the old district, there are five new government medical colleges in Mahabubnagar, Wanaparthy, Nagarkurnool, Narayanpet and Jogulamba Gadwal district.
In the future, the state government plans to build 500-bed hospitals in each constituency.