Telangana Finance and Health Minister T Harish Rao criticized the BJP and Congress parties. Speaking in Jangaon, he lashed out at the BJP for disrespecting the South. He said that BJP is scared of losing, which is why they support the idea of One Nation-One Election. It is evident that BJP discriminates against the South because they fear losing there. Harish emphasized that the south has no representation in the election committee. He also stated that the BRS party will become a strong force in Delhi after the next elections.
Harish also criticized the Congress leaders for their empty declarations. He made it clear that the people of Telangana have already shown their support for KCR. He sarcastically remarked that this guarantees the Congress won’t win, just like an invalid rupee note.
Furthermore, Harish pointed out that even though the Congress is in power in Chhattisgarh and Karnataka, disabled individuals only receive a pension of Rs. 1000. He commented that if the Congress were to win, development would come to a halt. He also mentioned that if the Congress comes into power, there will be frequent power cuts. Harish expressed his confidence that no matter how many tricks are played, KCR will secure a hat-trick victory.