Finance Minister Harish Rao spoke at a program in Kalluru village on Monday. He said that the Bharatiya Janata Party’s claim to come to power in Telangana in the upcoming Assembly election is not true. Harish Rao thinks that BJP leaders won’t even get deposits in Khammam district where they are dreaming to come to power. Many attendees at the program were not present at the BJP meeting held in Chevella on Sunday, and some attendees were brought in from other districts.
Harish Rao also talked about the BRS government’s achievements in the agriculture sector. The cultivation of Yasangi crop increased from 14 lakh acres in 2014 to 56 lakh acres in 2023. The government bought crops worth 26,600 crores last year against Rs 3,600 crores in 2014. The Minister also discussed the BRS government’s efforts to provide relief to farmers affected by crop loss due to untimely rains. An announcement was made to provide Rs. 10,000 per acre in case of crop loss.
Several dignitaries attended the event, including Minister Ajay Kumar, MPs Nama Nageswara Rao and Parthasaradhi Reddy, former minister Tummala Nageswara Rao, Rajyasabha MPs Ravi Chandra and Medical Infrastructure Development Corporation Chairman Errolla Srinivas, and local MLA Sandra Venkata Veeriah.