Finance Minister Harish Rao has announced that the Telangana government is implementing a financial assistance scheme of Rs 1 lakh for BC caste professionals. The purpose of this scheme is to protect caste professions and provide financial support to professionals from BC castes. The initiative by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao involves distributing cheques directly to beneficiaries without requiring collateral or a guarantee through banks.
This initiative is aimed at helping BC caste professionals by providing financial assistance to upgrade their skills, purchase necessary tools and equipment, and start their own businesses. The goal is to protect traditional caste professions and promote entrepreneurship among BCs.
In addition to this financial assistance scheme, the Telangana government has taken several other measures to support BCs. These measures include providing free power to Nai Brahmins and Rajakas, distributing sheep to Golla Kurumas, and offering a 50% subsidy on yarn and textiles woven by weavers and Cheneta Mitra.
Overall, these initiatives are designed to provide support and opportunities for BC caste professionals and help them thrive in their respective fields.