Finance Minister Harish Rao in Hyderabad has directed officials to submit a report on the training of Registered Medical Practitioners (RMPs) within a week. This comes after the High Court’s direction to implement GO MS 428, which allows the state to train around 40,000 RMPs in “Community Paramedical Training.” A committee has been formed to prepare a comprehensive report on their training requirements.
In the meeting, other decisions were made, including the completion of the promotion process for Assistant Professor posts. The Minister emphasized expediting the promotion process for 190 Assistant Professors to associate professor positions in teaching hospitals within a week. He also raised the age limit for promotion from Professor to Additional DME and instructed the prompt submission of proposals regarding the transfer of professors.
The Minister further stressed the need to expedite the promotion process for all 112 deputy civil surgeons and civil surgeons in Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (TVVP) within 15 days. He called for the expeditious completion of the promotion process for 371 nurses in TVVP within a month to strengthen the nursing workforce.
To address the urgent need for timely diagnosis and treatment, the minister directed the purchase of 32 single-donor platelet machines for dengue test diagnosis. A budget of Rs 10 crores has been allocated for this procurement, and the machines will be installed in all district hospitals.
The minister also ordered the prompt deployment of recently procured vehicles, including Amma Odi vehicles, 108 vehicles, and Hearse vehicles, starting from August 1.