The Andhra Pradesh government is working towards providing financial assistance of Rs. 3 lakhs for constructing houses in rural areas. To facilitate this, the government has launched the “Gruhalakshmi” scheme and released guidelines. As per the Chief Minister KCR’s decision, 6 houses have been approved for Mahbubabad and Dornakal mandals, along with additional houses for other mandals. The decision has brought joy to the middle-class citizens and they are expressing their happiness.
Mahbubabad, June 22 (Namaste Telangana): The state government is working towards providing financial assistance of Rs. 3 lakhs for constructing houses in rural areas. Until now, the government has been constructing double bedroom houses in various locations. The construction process of these double bedroom houses is underway. In addition to this, the government has announced that houses should be built in another location. The government has shared this good news with the people for them to construct houses in their own land. For this purpose, the “Gruhalakshmi” program has been accepted and guidelines have been released. As part of this program, 3 houses have been approved for each category of beneficiaries.
This year, the Chief Minister KCR has decided to approve 3 houses for each category of beneficiaries. Therefore, in addition to Mahbubabad and Dornakal mandals, Torrur, Peddavangara, Bayyaram, Garla, Kothagooda, and Gangaram mandals have also been approved for additional houses. The middle class and upper-middle-class citizens are very happy with the benefits they are receiving from the government. The total subsidy for these houses is approved for Rs. 3 lakhs. As part of this, special bank accounts will be opened for the beneficiaries. They will receive Rs. 1 lakh at the basement level, Rs. 1 lakh at the roof level, and the remaining amount after the completion of construction. The houses that are newly approved will be sanctioned in the names of women. The beneficiaries can construct houses as per their own design. The government will place the logo of the Gruhalakshmi program on the house. The beneficiary should have a proper food security card and should possess local, voter ID, and Aadhaar cards. Priority will be given to SC, ST, BC, and minority categories. SCs will be given 20%, STs will be given 10%, BCs and minorities will be given 50% priority. Those who have applied or are family members of someone who has already received benefits will be ineligible for the program.
The decision of the government has brought satisfaction to many people as they are receiving financial assistance of Rs. 3 lakhs to construct houses in their own land. Many people are experiencing justice through this government decision. The Gruhalakshmi program is very beneficial as it is given in the name of women. CM KCR is working diligently to provide financial assistance to many beneficiaries. The release of guidelines for the Gruhalakshmi program has brought happiness to everyone. – Racha Anil, Kuravi