The Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrasekhar Rao, celebrated the 10-year anniversary of Telangana’s formation. He credited the people of Telangana for their contributions to the state’s success and promised to continue striving for comprehensive development. KCR acknowledged the sacrifices of Telangana martyrs and the exploitation of the region before it became a state. He also listed out various schemes launched by his government in different sectors like education, health, rural and urban development, and welfare of different communities.
KCR mentioned that his government had lost three years due to the Covid pandemic, but in six years, they had achieved significant growth in sectors like power, irrigation, and agriculture, allowing Telangana to compete with developed states like Maharashtra. He announced the launch of various schemes like financial assistance for artisans in BC communities, Griha Lakshmi scheme, Podu land distribution to Tribals, and KTR Nutrition Kits during the formation day celebrations. The second phase of sheep distribution would also be launched in June’s second week.
He concluded by saying that the government was constantly working to spread the spirit of Telangana throughout the country and that he would continue his efforts to achieve more milestones in the direction of comprehensive development as long as his health permits him.