The Sri Sitaramachandra Swamy Kalyanotsavam was celebrated at Vemulawada Sri Rajarajeswara Swamy Temple with grandeur. In the morning, Ekadasa Rudrabhishekam Mahanyasa Abhishekam was performed by the temple priests with chanting of Vedic mantras. Temple priests under the direction of Appala Bimashankara Sharma, the temple’s Sthanacharya, performed Kalyana to Moolavirattu.
Later, Sri Sitarama Kalyanam was performed on the spacious Kalyanam stage by Appala Bhimashankara Sharma with the Veda mantras with Rachakonda Banu Kranti couple acting as Kanyadatas. The temple authorities set up LED screens to show the ceremony to the devotees. Canopies and Calcutta decoration canopies were arranged by the temple authorities in the surrounding areas to protect the devotees from the heat of the sun. Special zones were arranged at the Kalyanam venue. Buttermilk and drinking water packets were distributed to the devotees with the help of donors. A food donation programme was organized under the auspices of the temple in the parking lot for 30,000 devotees.
Sitaramula Kalyanam was celebrated on Sri Rama Navami at Sita Ramachandra Swamy Devasthanam in Illandakunta, known as Apara Bhadradri. Thousands of devotees attended the ceremony, with District Collector Pamela Satpathy present at the celestial wedding. The Collector brought silk cloths and Talambralu in the middle of the procession and presented them to the deity. Vedic scholars conducted the wedding of Sitarama in grandeur in Abhijit Lagna Sumuhurtham.
The temple staff handed over talambralu to the devotees. Annadanam was organized under the auspices of the Rice Millers Association. Transport Minister Ponnam Prabhakar attended at the ceremony held in Illanthakunta and IT Minister Dudilla Sridhar Babu at Kataram Mandal Tanwada village of Mantahni Constituency. Karimnagar BJP Parliamentary candidate Bandi Sanjay Kumar participated in the ceremony at Karimnagar Padmanayaka Kalyana Mandapam under the guidance of Sri Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swamy.