The Education Minister, Sabitha Indra Reddy, wants big celebrations to take place across Telangana State for its 10th anniversary. At a meeting in Rangareddy, she asked government officials and public representatives to work together to make the celebrations successful. She said the celebrations will show how much Telangana has progressed over the past nine years and will take place from June 2nd to June 22nd. The Minister suggested that MLAs eat with farmers at different events to connect with them.
The Education Minister also talked about the progress made in education across the state and how schools have changed for the better. She said there will be various competitions for students and that new schools, libraries, and digital classrooms will be opened. Textbooks, notebooks, and uniforms will be given out on June 20th. The Minister also said that Telangana has done well in terms of rural and urban development and other welfare schemes.
The meeting was attended by various officials and representatives from the district.