The Telangana government’s new “Bhoo Bharati” Act, designed to solve land-related issues permanently, has been approved by Governor Jishnu Dev Varma. The bill was first introduced by Revenue Minister Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy in the Assembly on December 18, 2024. After thorough discussions, it was passed in the Legislative Assembly on December 20 and in the Legislative Council on December 21. It was then sent to the Governor for final approval.
Revenue Minister Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy thanked everyone involved in shaping the Act. He assured that the government would work quickly to implement the law, aiming to improve land and revenue services for the people of Telangana. He also asked officials to prioritize creating guidelines and policies needed for the Act’s smooth execution.
On Thursday, Revenue Department Principal Secretary Naveen Mittal presented an approved copy of the Bhoo Bharati Act to Minister Srinivas Reddy at the Secretariat. The government is now preparing to take the necessary steps for implementation, which are expected to be rolled out in the coming days.