During a recent Cabinet meeting, the Telangana government decided to scrap GO 111, a ban on land sales in 84 villages around the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation. However, environmental activists, including Dr Lubna Sarwath and Dr Jasveen Jairath, have urged the government to reinstate the ban. They argue that the government’s decision raises concerns about the subjudice nature of the matter and the lack of significant welfare measures.
The Cabinet also made several other decisions, including providing financial assistance to traditional artisans and regularising the services of Village Revenue Assistants. The government will create District Medical and Health Officer posts in all 32 districts and recruit permanent staff for all Urban Medical Centers. Additionally, it will purchase Jowar and Maize from farmers at minimum support prices, distribute sheep in the second phase, and conduct 21-day state formation day celebrations.
The government will protect water resources like Himayat Sagar and Gandipet by developing STPS and linking them to the Kaleshwaram project. Water from Kondapochamme Sagar will be lifted to these water bodies for the conservation of the ecology in the limits of GO No 111 villages. The Cabinet also approved the creation of 40 more PHCs and a study on unseasonal rains and crop damages to reduce crop damage by advancing the crop harvesting by one month during the Rabi season.