Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has announced that the State government will order a judicial probe into the damage at the Medigadda barrage and Annaram pump house. The Medigadda project experienced a pier sinking due to heavy inflows during the Assembly election season. Rahul Gandhi and Revanth visited the barrage and found cracks on the barrage caused by damage to the piers. The Union Ministry of Jal Shakti officials also inspected the barrage and discovered that the piers were not constructed properly. The Annaram pump house also suffered damage from the heavy flows.
During a statement in the Legislative Council, the Chief Minister stated that the judicial inquiry will uncover the truth behind the incidents of pier sinking and pump house damage. A delegation of MLAs from all parties will be sent to the barrage site to assess the quality of the structure. Revanth expressed doubts about the involvement of ministers and other BRS leaders in approving the works at the project site.
The probe aims to reveal the truth about the entire episode.