The Mandala Parishad Upper Primary School in Iskilla village, Bhongir has undergone a remarkable transformation. The old and worn-out school building has been completely renovated, thanks to Gunda Madhusudhan, the chairman & CMD of the Sumadhura Group, who has strong connections to Iskilla. The new school facility is equipped with seven spacious classrooms, two Anganwadi rooms, a computer lab, a science laboratory, and a library. It also includes a kitchen and dining hall for the students’ well-being. The school now provides top-notch education with new furniture, desks, chairs, and modern laboratory equipment. Gunda Madhusudhan’s commitment to his hometown and investment in education is commendable. The rejuvenated Mandala Parishath Upper Primary School will serve as a center of learning for the community, bringing hope and a brighter future.