Hyderabad: Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka has instructed officials to prepare for the first-ever Gaddar Cine Awards. These awards, named after revolutionary poet Gaddar, will be held on the eve of Ugadi.
During a meeting with the Gaddar Award Committee at the Secretariat, the Deputy CM emphasized the need to complete all formalities to ensure a smooth event. The committee discussed various aspects, including the award logo, guidelines, and the categories for recognition. Awards will be given for feature films, children’s films, and books written about Telugu cinema. Winners will also receive cash rewards and letters of appreciation.
The Deputy CM explained that the purpose of these awards is to promote national unity, celebrate diversity, encourage scientific thinking, and uphold ethical values. He stated that this initiative would elevate Hyderabad’s status on the global stage and attract investments. Additionally, he criticized the previous government for neglecting the film industry and failing to celebrate its creativity by ignoring such award events, which recognize the talent of Telangana.