A government hospital in Shadnagar had a power outage for about an hour on Monday afternoon. Patients and their families were in distress as the hospital staff did not show enough care. The hospital did not have a working generator, which made things worse for patients from rural areas. Patients seeking medical treatment at the hospital had a hard time under the hot sun because of the lack of electricity. It is shocking that such a big hospital does not have a backup generator to provide power during emergencies. The power outage disrupted many critical medical services, including X-rays and computer systems, leading to their temporary suspension. Patients had to wait for alternative services. The medical and health department officials did not show much concern and did not address the urgent need for electricity. This situation left patients and their families in a state of panic, not knowing when their medical needs would be attended to. The lack of functioning medical equipment and systems due to the power outage compromised patient care and raised concerns about the hospital’s preparedness for unforeseen circumstances. Local residents and patients called for immediate intervention from relevant authorities. They stressed the need for a robust backup power supply system to ensure uninterrupted medical services, especially during a crucial time.