The Govardhan puja and Karthika Deepotsavam were celebrated at the Hare Krishna Golden temple in Hyderabad. The highlight of the event was a replica of Govardhana hill made from 350 kg of vegetarian cake and delicious food items. The hill was decorated with symbolic ponds and pilgrimage sites. The day started with go-puja, offering Krishna prasadam to cows and calves. In the afternoon, a beautiful Govardhana hill was made from edible items and decorated with cookies, sweets, fruits, and flowers. The evening included kirtans and Pallaki Seva to Lord Krishna and Balarama. The Karthika Deepotsavam was celebrated with lighting the Karthika Deepam and a grand Damodara Arati. The president of Hare Krishna Movement emphasized the significance of Govardhana Lila, showing the Lord’s compassion and protection for his devotees.