A goldsmith from Hyderabad named Subba Raju took his own life after his girlfriend refused to marry him. The police say that Raju was depressed and checked into a hotel in Begumpet on Monday. He called a friend and explained how his girlfriend exploited and cheated him. He also told his friend that he had decided to end his life.
When Raju’s friend tried to persuade him not to do it, he traced Raju’s location and informed the Begumpet police. But unfortunately, by the time the police arrived, Raju had already hanged himself. His body was sent to Gandhi Hospital for post-mortem.
Raju worked at a jewellery store in Secunderabad and had been friends with the girl for a few years. However, after some differences arose between them, she refused his marriage proposal. The police have registered a case and are investigating the incident.