Ahead of the Telangana Assembly elections, the police have set up checkposts and are conducting inspections across the state. They are checking vehicles and confiscating any cash, gold, silver ornaments, or valuables found without proper documentation.
Recently, during an inspection at the Kommala toll plaza in Jangaon district, the police found 5.4 kg of gold in a car. The estimated value of the gold is Rs. 3.09 crores.
The police seized the gold because the individuals in possession of it did not have the necessary documents.
The Central Election Commission has released the schedule for the assembly elections, which will be held on November 30. The notification will be released on November 1st, followed by nominations on the same day. Political parties have started their campaigns and announcing their candidates. BRS has already handed over the B-Forms to candidates, while the BJP and Congress are still in the process of announcing their candidates.