Devarkadra MLA G Madhusudhan Reddy spoke to the media in Mahbubnagar on Saturday. He praised Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy for implementing people-centric governance during the month-long Congress rule. Madhusudhan Reddy emphasized the continuous engagement of public representatives with the people and stated that Congress is committed to fulfilling its promises.
During the press conference, Madhusudhan Reddy also released stickers of Rahul Gandhi’s ‘Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra.’ He criticized the previous government for being dictatorial and imposing restrictions on the people. He highlighted the Congress administration’s goal to create an environment where people can live freely without fear. He specifically mentioned the alleged arrogance of KTR and predicted the end of BRS after the parliamentary elections.
The MLA also addressed irregularities in the Palamuru Rangareddy project and announced investigations into any wrongdoing. He assured that the Congress government would take legal actions but would not act out of vindictiveness. He also expressed concerns about land acquisition for canals and revealed plans for an inquiry into alleged irregularities in the Karivena project.