Leaders from the Girijana Vidhyarthi Seva Sangh in Mahbubnagar have filed a complaint against BJP MP Soyam Babur Rao. They are demanding action be taken against him for his comments against the Lambada community. The complaint was lodged with Union Minister and BJP State president G. Kishan Reddy.
During a meeting at the Mahabubnagar district BJP office, G. Kishan Reddy heard the grievances of the Girijana Vidhayarti Seva Sangh President, Ramavath Ravi Rathod. Rathod expressed his dissatisfaction with MP Soyam Babur Rao’s insensitive comments against the Lambada community. Rao had also petitioned the Union Home Minister to remove the Lambada community of Telangana from the ST category.
Ravi Rathod explained that the Lambada community, along with the Chenchus and Yerukala, were included in the ST category in Telangana based on their socio-economic conditions and migratory livelihoods. However, the Lambada tribes continue to face challenges in terms of education, employment, and better livelihood opportunities. Many Adivasi Lambada communities still live nomadic lives in tribal tandas and remote agency areas, unable to access government benefits. The irresponsible comments of an MP have deeply hurt the Lambada community.
The Girijana Vidhyarthi Seva Sangh leaders of Mahbubnagar have demanded that action be taken against the MP and that he be removed from the BJP party. They have lodged a complaint with Kishan Reddy to address this issue.
The program was chaired by Ramawat Ravi Rathod, president of the Tribal Student Seva Sangham. Other participants included Girijana Seva Sangham General Secretary K. Yadagiri Naik, Vice-Presidents Vislawat Govardhan Naik and Third Ramu Naik, and Joint Mahabubnagar district Tribal Service Association secretary Malpot Raghuveer Singh.