The Gautampur Panchayat in Kothagudem, India won first place in the Arogya Panchayat category at a national level competition. The award was presented to District Collector Anudeep, Sarpanch Podiyam Sujatha, and Secretary Jakkampudi Sharmila by President of India Droupadi Murmu in New Delhi on Monday. Minister for Panchayat Raj Errabelli Dayakara Rao and Rajya Sabha member Vaviraju Ravichandra also congratulated the winners.
District Collector Anudeep expressed happiness in receiving the award and stated that the district won for conducting sanitation programs, increasing greenery, and managing sewage from houses to prevent infectious diseases. He also said that the district will continue its efforts to win more awards and become a role model.
The Gautampur Panchayat stood first in the health panchayat category at the national level competition, which selected the best Gram Panchayats in nine categories. District Medical Officer Dr Shirisha, ANMs CH Vijayakumari, B. Thulasini, L. Kausalani, T. Kanthamanini, Asha activists M. Sarithani, R. Sarojani, and K. Nirmalani were also appreciated for their efforts in achieving the award.