During the TS Assembly general elections, 20 candidates filed a total of 32 nominations in the Gadwal constituency. The candidates include Bandla Krisnamohan Reddy BRS, Bandla Jyoti BRS, Sarita from Congress, Raghavendra as an independent candidate, E.Parameswar Goud as an independent candidate, K Srinivasulu from Yuga Tulasi Party, Sarita as an independent candidate, Shiva Reddy from BJP, M.Venkatreddy from Students Political Party, A. Anil Kumar as an independent candidate, B. Eswar as an independent candidate, G. Sarita Navarang from Congress Party, K.Srinivasulu as an independent candidate, G Raju as an independent candidate, Hanumanthu from Bahujan Republic Socialist Party, G. Ranjit Kumar from All India Forward Block, Surendra Babu from Bhujan Samaj Party, BR. Thimmanna as an independent candidate, Chinna Tirupathaiah from Congress party, and Atikur Rahaman from BSP.
All 20 candidates have submitted their nominations to the Returning Officer, Apoorva Chauhan. The deadline for nominations has ended today. The scrutiny of the nominations will take place on the 13th of this month, and the withdrawal date is November 15th.