China has shut down 100,000 fake news social media accounts and is making efforts to clean up content. Meanwhile, leaders from the seven wealthy nations of the G7, including US President Joe Biden, have been attending a summit in Hiroshima, Japan. The G7 leaders issued a statement expressing concerns about China’s interference activities, human rights abuses, and territorial disputes in the South China Sea. They also urged China to use its influence to put pressure on Russia to end its invasion of Ukraine.
However, China expressed “strong dissatisfaction” with the G7’s communique, saying it has no international credibility and is hindering world peace. China also criticized the G7 for not showing clear opposition to Taiwan independence. The Hiroshima communique is a result of negotiations between the G7 countries, which have differing approaches on how to deal with China. Some countries, such as the US, favor a stronger line, while others in Europe want to avoid further confrontation.