Light rain occurred in many districts of Delhi on Thursday, with cloudy weather for most of the day. The weather is expected to remain good, with moderate rain forecasted for several areas on Friday. The sun was shining in most parts of Delhi in the morning, but clouds started to appear as the day went on.
During this time, there was light precipitation in various weather stations such as Safdarjung, Lodhi Road, Jafarpur, Najafgarh, Pitampura, and Sports Complex. This did not cause a significant increase in temperature. The highest temperature recorded was 34.8 degrees Celsius, which is normal for this time of year. The minimum temperature was 25.8 degrees Celsius, slightly lower than normal. Relative humidity ranged from 93% to 69%.
The Meteorological Department predicts that the overcast and rainy weather will continue. Most areas of Delhi may experience light rain on Friday, with a maximum temperature of 34 degrees Celsius and a minimum temperature of 26 degrees Celsius. The wind speed is expected to be between 8 and 12 kilometers per hour. These weather conditions are helping to keep Delhi’s air clean.
According to the Central Pollution Control Board, the average air quality index in Delhi was 92 on Thursday, which is considered satisfactory. The Meteorological Department predicts that this clean air quality will continue for the next two days.