Environment and Forest Minister Gopal Rai of Delhi inaugurated the fourth Van Mahotsav today at Polo Ground, Delhi University. Along with the event, an internship portal was launched for young people interested in the environment and forest field. The goal of the portal is to educate children about the Forest and Wildlife Department and help them learn new technologies and techniques.
Several MLAs, MCD deputy Mayor, Delhi OBC Commission chairman, former MLA, Paryavaran Mitras, members of RWAs, and children and teachers from various schools participated in the program. The government aims to plant over 52 lakh seedlings this year, with the NDMC planting an additional 50 lakh trees and shrubs. Free medicinal plants were also provided to all participants.
During the program, Minister Gopal Rai mentioned the decline in pollution and increase in green cover in Delhi. He expressed gratitude to the students and teachers present and announced that the next Van Mahotsav celebration will take place at Utsav Ground, Padpadganj on August 13.
He also explained that the internship portal provides information on who can apply, how to apply, selection process, internship domains, and contact details for assistance. The portal also allows for online submission of applications, tracking of application status, approval of acceptance for internship, submission of reports by interns, acceptance of reports, issuance of certificates upon completion of internship, and verification of certificates by future employers.