Four people in Hyderabad were arrested by cybercrime police for sharing an old video with fake information about the election process, causing it to spread widely on social media. The video claimed to show voter fraud in the recent Lok Sabha elections in Bahadurpura, Hyderabad, but was actually from the 2022 West Bengal elections.
The police received a complaint about the video on May 15 and found that it could damage public trust in India’s electoral system. The accused individuals shared the video on social media without verifying its accuracy, leading to calls for re-elections in Hyderabad. The cybercrime police registered a case and began an investigation.
After identifying the suspects, including Vurapalli Sravan, Mohammed Bin Ali Al Gutmi, Piddamulla Kashi, and Kanukati Mithilesh, the police arrested them. The accused were presented before the XII ACMM Court in Nampally, Hyderabad. The investigation into the case is ongoing.