Former Karimnagar ZP Chairperson and BJP leader Tula Uma joined the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) on Monday. She met with BRS working president KT Rama Rao and joined the party along with her followers. Uma expressed disappointment that the BJP gave her the ticket to contest in the Vemulawada Assembly constituency but then denied the B-form.
Uma stated that this incident proves that the BJP is against backward classes (BC) and women. She mentioned that the BJP had promised to appoint a BC leader as Chief Minister but then denied a ticket to both a BC and a woman leader who had worked for the Telangana agitation led by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao.
Rama Rao shared that upon the suggestion of KCR, he invited Uma to join the BRS. He expressed his pleasure that she accepted the invitation and returned to the party. Rama Rao assured Uma that she will be given a higher status and more responsibilities within the party. He emphasized the need for Uma’s services in developing the Vemulawada constituency and uplifting women in the state.
Rama Rao warmly welcomed Uma back to the party, acknowledging her previous roles as the general secretary of the State party and president of the women’s wing.