Former MP and BSP party candidate Manda Jagannatham’s nomination was rejected by the election commission in Nagarkurnool because he did not have a B-form. He filed his nomination for the Bahujan Samaj Party, but it was rejected after scrutiny on Friday.
Another person named Yusuf filed his nomination with the B-form from the BSP, leaving Jagannatham unable to contest even as an independent candidate. To run as an independent candidate, at least 10 voters must sign the nomination papers. However, only 5 voters signed Jagannatham’s nomination, leading to his disqualification as an MP candidate. Jagannatham had recently switched from the Congress party to the BSP just 10 days prior.
The former MP had initially joined the Congress party during the Assembly elections, but when his son did not receive the Alampur Assembly ticket, he left and joined the BSP. After not being given the Nagarkurnool Lok Sabha seat by the Congress party, he joined the BSP in Rajasthan. In the presence of BSP chief Mayawati, it was announced that Jagannatham would be given the Nagarkurnool seat.