Differences have emerged within the BRS party’s Warangal unit, as MLC T Ravinder Rao accused former ministers Erabelli Dayakar Rao and Satyavathi Rathod of causing suffering for Telangana supporters. Ravinder Rao made these remarks while speaking to the media at the Assembly premises on Friday.
According to Ravinder Rao, the party’s high command was unaware of the ground situation and gave priority to flatterers instead of considering the facts. He also mentioned that the people of Palakurthy had decided to defeat Erabelli Dayakar a long time ago. Ravinder Rao attributed the party’s defeat in the district to local politics. He claimed that the leaders who had won in previous elections mistreated genuine BRS workers. He further alleged that the appointment of Errabelli and Satyavathi as ministers caused suffering for entrepreneurs. In some districts, MLAs irritated the public, and Ravinder Rao questioned the party’s ability to win elections if it cannot manage such issues.
However, later in the evening, Ravinder Rao denied making these comments. He clarified that he condemns the comments attributed to him as mere chit-chat. He expressed full confidence in the party president, KCR, and stated that he would address any concerns within the party forum. Ravinder Rao asked people not to believe comments made in the name of casual conversation.