In Hyderabad, BRS leader G Jagadish Reddy criticized the Justice L Narasimha Reddy Commission for allegedly siding with Congress and BJP leaders against KCR. Reddy suggested that former chief minister K Chandrashekar Rao had the right to request a change of inquiry officer. He expressed his concerns during a press conference at Telangana Bhavan, emphasizing that the ERC’s decision should be final and questioned the formation of the commission after the ERC’s ruling.
Reddy raised doubts about Narasimha Reddy’s knowledge and criticized the timing of his press conference, stating that KCR had sent a letter to clarify matters for the people of Telangana. Reddy believed that Narasimha Reddy should resign as the inquiry commission seemed irrelevant. He highlighted that the power purchase agreements with Chhattisgarh and the construction of Yadadri and Bhadradri Thermal Power Plant were carried out by public sector companies under the previous government’s administration.
The former Energy Minister accused BJP leaders of conspiring against KCR and questioned whether any bribes were given to former CM Raman Singh. Reddy defended the PPAs with Central government organizations, claiming that Telangana procured power at a lower rate compared to other states like Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. He highlighted the establishment of the Bhadradri Thermal Power Plant with advanced technology and transparency in handing over plants to PSU BHEL.
Reddy urged the commission to summon former Chhattisgarh CM and BHEL chairman for an inquiry, pointing out that the Centre mandated supercritical technology for projects after 2017. He criticized the commission’s bias and demanded the chairman’s resignation for discussing losses before conducting a thorough inquiry.