Former BJP Kothagudem district president Koneru Chinni has joined the BRS party along with his supporters. The event took place at Telangana Bhavan in Hyderabad on Tuesday. Koneru Chinni was welcomed into the party by IT Minister KT Rama Rao. Other notable attendees included Transport Puvvada Ajay Kumar, district president, Government whip Rega Kantha Rao, Khammam BRS district president, and MLC Tata Madhusudhan.
Koneru Chinni is a well-known figure in the district and the son of late Koneru Nageswara Rao, a former TDP minister. He was previously associated with the TDP and later became the district president of the BJP. Prior to a visit by Amith Shah in Khammam, Koneru resigned from his position as party district president after discussions with BRS leaders. He expressed his intention to join the BRS party.
Koneru Chinni stated that he was drawn to the growth of Telangana State under the leadership of KCR and KTR. He expressed his commitment to expanding the BRS party in the Kothagudem district and hoped for success in future elections.