Home National Forgery Complaint Filed Against Certificate by Government College in Kerala

Forgery Complaint Filed Against Certificate by Government College in Kerala


A former student from Maharaja’s Government College in Kerala applied for a teaching job with a fake certificate. The principal of Maharaja’s College filed a complaint about the former student, K.Vidya. A teacher from the Government College in Wayanad contacted the principal about a candidate who had applied for a Guest Lecturer position in Malayalam. Vidya claimed to have served as a guest lecturer during the academic years 2018-19 and 2020-21. However, upon review, the college found that they had not requested the services of a guest professor in the Malayalam department in the previous ten years.

The principal reviewed Vidya’s experience certificate and found that it was fake because the principal and head of department had both signed it, even though the department heads at this college do not grant certifications. The symbol and seal were also fake. After discovering all of this, they filed a police report against Vidya.


After completing her Master’s, Vidya earned her M.Phil at Sanskrit University in Kalady, where she was also a prominent SFI student activist. It has since been revealed that Vidya lectured at government colleges in Kasaragod and Palakkad while using a false certificate. According to Mohammed Shiyas, the president of the Ernakulam district Congress committee, Vidya is a personal acquaintance of a current prominent SFI office-holder.



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