The Delhi Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, has announced that a “Food Truck Policy” will soon be introduced in Delhi, allowing people to enjoy a variety of delicious food even at night. This policy will be similar to those in New York, Australia, and Hong Kong, and is expected to create many employment opportunities and benefit the economy. The Delhi Food Truck Policy 2023 was presented to Kejriwal, who gave his approval. The policy will be implemented at 16 places in Delhi first and later expanded to other areas.
The main goal of the Delhi Food Truck Scheme is to make Delhi the “Food Truck Capital” and boost small enterprises in the city. This will provide job opportunities and strengthen the economy. People in Delhi will be able to enjoy wonderful flavours at any time, promoting food culture in the capital.
The agency will take care of the operation and maintenance of the food hubs, ensuring that all food trucks operate only within the designated areas created by the government. Special attention will be given to the decoration and cleanliness of these areas.
In conclusion, the introduction of the “Food Truck Policy” in Delhi is expected to have a positive impact on the city’s economy and job market while providing residents with more food options at all times.