Hyderabad: Deputy CM Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka visited Makdoom Bhavan, the State headquarters of CPI on Saturday to seek support from the coalition partners of the ruling Congress government. The CPI, already an ally in the State, expressed readiness to extend all the support for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls to defeat ‘communal forces’.
During the meeting, leaders discussed strengthening the INDIA bloc and ensuring the defeat of communal forces. Bhatti emphasized the importance of the Parliamentary elections, stating that they would decide the nation’s future, liberty, and constitution’s fate.
Bhatti explained that the INDIA bloc’s main objective in the elections was to defeat the ‘communal’ BJP and ensure the country’s progress. He highlighted the differences between BJP’s communal agenda and the INDIA bloc’s efforts to protect democracy by uniting secular forces.
The INDIA bloc aims to coordinate efforts to prevent the BJP from returning to power.