Residents in western parts of Hyderabad, including areas like Shaikpet, Madhapur, Manikonda, Gachibowli, Nanakramguda, and Film Nagar are experiencing annual flooding that has become a nightmare for them. Despite appeals to the authorities, no serious measures have been taken to solve the problem. Some minor projects costing crores of rupees were done, but they did not prevent flooding.
Residents in low-lying areas are particularly affected, with unseasonal heavy rains causing water logging and traffic disruptions. This year’s monsoon season is just over a month away, and residents fear the situation will worsen. Basements of apartments get flooded, and vehicles on the roads are submerged in water, damaging household items.
The residents of slum areas blame unplanned construction activity for the flooding. Big projects and palatial buildings are constructed without proper planning for drainage facilities and storm water outlets, leading to knee-level water logging. Dirty water gushes out of manholes and drainage systems, causing health problems. In 2021, a man died after falling in a flooded open-drain during heavy rain in Manikonda.
During heavy rainfall, major nalas overflow with rainwater and flood localities with dirty water coming out of manholes. Social activist Asif Hussain suggests that if public representatives cannot solve such serious issues, NOTA (None Of The Above) should be chosen in the upcoming election.