Errabelli Pradeep Rao, the chairman of the Warangal Urban Cooperative Bank and a leader of the BJP party, helped a woman whose tin-roof shed was damaged in Division 36 (Chintal Area) in Warangal on Tuesday. The recent rains and gales have caused chaos and misery for farmers and poor families alike by uprooting the tin roofs of their homes. Pradeep Rao visited several colonies in Division 36 to extend financial help to those who lost their shelters. He criticized the ruling BRS representatives for not addressing these problems and said that the Greater Warangal Municipal Corporation (GWMC) is not doing enough about choked drains and damaged roads.
It has become difficult for pedestrians and motorists to move in several colonies during the rainy season. The people living in these colonies need help, and Pradeep Rao has taken it upon himself to provide assistance. He is doing his part to ease the burden on those affected by the recent rains and gales.