An Indian woman named Anju got married to her Facebook friend in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Her father, Gaya Prasad Thomas, expressed his sadness and said that she is now considered dead to their family because of her actions. Anju left her two children and husband without thinking about how it would affect them. Her father even said that he wishes she would die there. He doesn’t have any information about her conversion to Islam. He worries about the well-being of her children and who will take care of them now. Thomas mentioned that Anju has stopped talking to him and only communicates with her mother. He doesn’t know how she got her passport or visa. He also denied any speculations about criminal activities related to the incident. Anju’s father described her as mentally disturbed and eccentric. According to a recent report, Anju converted to Islam and now goes by the name Fatima. She is living with her Pakistani friend Nasrullah in the Upper Dir district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.