Health experts in Hyderabad are urging the government to raise awareness about preventing dengue as the number of cases continues to rise in the state. They believe that it is not difficult to prevent the disease if proper precautions are taken. Dengue cases have been reported since the end of May, with over 200 cases in July. Most of the cases are in double digits, mainly in the city. The experts are calling on authorities, especially civic officials, to emphasize the importance of cleanliness measures for residents.
Dr. M Karuna, a senior pediatrician, states that preventing dengue is not a difficult task. However, he points out that there has been a lack of national or state programs to address the issue. There is no systematic approach to identify initial cases and alert people in affected areas. Dr. Karuna believes that tackling mosquito larvae is easier than fogging for adult mosquitoes. He also mentions that families affected by dengue are often unaware of the need to remove waterlogging.
In the past, the state government implemented a fogging program for 10 minutes every Sunday at 10 am. The program involved public representatives in urban areas to carry out fogging in households. However, this program has not been promoted this year. In 2022, there were more than 13,000 dengue cases in Telangana. Therefore, experts are urging the government to take action before the number of cases increases. They emphasize the need for extensive awareness campaigns to educate families on removing waterlogging and taking personal protection measures, such as wearing full clothing, using mosquito nets, mosquito bats, and creams.
Dr. G Vinod, a general physician, adds that there have been fever cases among patients, with a couple of cases showing symptoms of dengue fever. These patients have been informed about the necessary precautions and treatment.