The European Union Film Festival (EUFF), organized by the Hyderabad Film Club, kicked off on Friday evening. This ten-day event, held at the Prasad Labs Preview Theatre in Hyderabad, will run until December 15. The festival showcases 24 award-winning films from 24 European countries.
The festival began with the screening of the French film Jim’s Story. The inauguration was attended by representatives from the film industry and other notable fields, making it a memorable start to the event.
K.V. Rao, the President of the Hyderabad Film Club, shared insights about the organization. He explained that the club was founded 50 years ago to bring both national and international films to Hyderabad. He expressed gratitude for the support of Sri Sarathi Studios, which has helped sustain the club. He also noted that Hyderabad is the third venue for the 29th edition of the EUFF after New Delhi and Kolkata.
Prakash Reddy, Secretary of the Hyderabad Film Club, described the organization as one of India’s prominent private film societies. He highlighted that previous festivals organized by the club have been well-received by audiences, reflecting its success and popularity.
Film producer C. Kalyan emphasized the importance of collaboration between the film industry and the government to ensure such festivals are held regularly. He mentioned ongoing efforts to gain government support through the Film Chamber and Producers Council. Additionally, he announced that the biennial Children’s Film Festival, held in Hyderabad, would resume with approval from the central government.
Music director M.M. Srilekha pointed out a significant highlight of this year’s festival—12 of the films being screened are directed by women filmmakers. This adds a unique dimension to the event, showcasing diverse perspectives in cinema.
Other prominent participants, including Veerashankar, President of the Telugu Film Directors Association, senior director Relangi Narasimha Rao, and international guests, spoke about the cultural significance of film festivals. They emphasized the need for government support to sustain such initiatives and provide audiences with exposure to different cultures.
The European Union Film Festival will continue until December 15, offering scheduled screenings of films from various European countries. This festival promises to be a treat for cinema lovers in Hyderabad.